《心律失常》 麦特·霍普
2018.11.10 – 2019.01.15 展览延长到 2月中
麦特·霍普 1976生于英国伦敦),曾就读于伦敦切尔西艺术学院,在英国汉普郡温彻斯特艺术学院获得学士学位,并在加州大学圣地亚哥分校获得硕士学位。霍普的作品曾在北京鸿坤美术馆、洛杉矶Ace美术馆、上海当代艺术美术馆、马尔塔·黑尔福德博物馆、北京尤伦斯当代艺术中心、中国国家博物馆、加州大学圣迭戈分校美术馆等地展出,同时还参加了成都双年展、北京设计周等众多活动。
Arrhythmia Matt Hope
Arrow Factory is very pleased to present Arrhythmia, a site-specific architectural and sonic intervention by Beijing-based artist Matt Hope. Subverting Arrow Factory’s street-side display, Hope turns the viewing window into a cavity that protrudes into the space. This inverted wedge plays with the flat optics of the monotonous grey hutong walls and is reminiscent of a gun emplacement, or (perhaps more appropriately) an arrow slit. In addition to its sculptural presence, Arrhythmia is alsoa functioning speaker horn. The work is designed to maximize the physical limitations of the Arrow Factory space, using the dimensions of the room itself to create a particular sonic signature. This speaker horn does not play music but self-generates sound and light flashes through simple components. The speaker membrane acts both as a microphone to sense ambient vibrations and as a tactile surface through which sound is amplified. The ambient vibrations are collected and re-collected; the naturally occurring feedback loop is harnessed to generate more sound.
Hope’s electromechanical sculptures are kinetic and sonic apparatuses that invite environmental input. A wry response to the sharp aural stimuli of Beijing’s urban fabric, Arrhythmia is a system that gives back to its surroundings all that it receives.
Matt Hope (b. 1976, London, UK) studied at Chelsea School of Art, London, received his BFA at the Winchester School of Art, Hampshire, U.K. and earned his MFA at University of California, San Diego. Hope’s work had been exhibited at Hongkun Museum of Fine Art, Beijing, Ace Gallery, Los Angles, Power Station Art Museum in Shanghai, Marta Herford Museum, UCCA in Beijing, China National Museum, Beijing, University Art Gallery UCSD, also presented in Chengdu Biennale, Beijing Design Week and many other spaces. |