诺亚. 谢尔登
2017.03-15 – 05.15
箭厂空间荣幸地展出美国艺术家兼摄影师诺亚. 谢尔登的声音装置作品“永动的风铃”。一串金属风铃在展厅里以固定的节奏摇摆转动,产生此起彼伏悦耳的泛音, 从波峰到衰减的过程成为其自身内部的节奏。使用一个精确计时的转盘来产生和缓的离心力,悬挂着的风铃静静落入一片令人恍惚的协调当中。空间笼罩着粉红色的光芒,似乎是在召唤着一个逝去的梦,粉红色本身会形成一个视觉上的谜团—它本不存在于七色光谱之中,是一种光谱之外的色调,与毗邻的雍和宫和孔庙的建筑色彩相契合,“永动的风铃”呈现出超越尘世的视觉与听觉的遐想。
诺亚. 谢尔登1975 年出生于美国印第安纳州韦恩堡,曾在新英格兰音乐学院以及莎拉劳伦斯大学学习,并在纽约哥伦比亚大学完成他的艺术硕士学位。诺亚. 谢尔登的作品曾在 伦敦ICA,纽约MoMA PS1和D'amelio Terras 以及 洛杉矶的Cherry and Martin 画廊等艺术机构展出。他的摄影作品曾刊登于 Blind Spot,Dwell,Details,Inc.,Bon Appetite,New York Magazine,Architectural Record, Rolling Stone, 和 Tokion 等杂志。诺亚. 谢尔登的作品也可以在fareastbroadway.com 线上观看。他目前工作生活于上海和纽约。 |
Perpetual Chimes
Noah Sheldon
2017.03-15 – 05.15
Arrow Factory is pleased to present Perpetual Chimes, a sculptural sound installation by artist and photographer Noah Sheldon. A cluster of metal wind chimes swinging at regular intervals generates a wave of harmonics that crest and ebb to its own internal rhythm. Using a carefully timed spinning disc to produce gentle centrifugal forces, the hanging chimes are lulled into trance-inducing sync. Enveloped in a pink glow, the work conjures a past dream and altered states of consciousness. The color pink itself is a visual enigma — an extra-spectral hue whose wavelength does not exist in the normal ROYGBIV light spectrum. Invoking Arrow Factory’s proximity to both Lama and Confucius Temples, Perpetual Chimes makes palpable the visual and aural frequencies of an otherworldly reverie.
Noah Sheldon (b.1975, Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA) studied at the New England Conservatory of Music, Sarah Lawrence College and completed his MFA at Columbia University in New York. Sheldon’s artwork has been exhibited at ICA, MoMA PS1, D'amelio Terras, and Cherry and Martin Gallery. His photographs have appeared in Blind Spot (magazine), Dwell, Details, Inc., Bon Appetite, New York Magazine, Architectural Record, Rolling Stone, and Tokion, among many others. Sheldon’s photostream can be viewed at fareastbroadway.com. He is based in Shanghai and New York. |